
¡ColomBien! was created to bring the beauty and artistry of Colombian fashion and design to the world. Our carefully curated collection of apparel and fashion accessories proudly celebrate Colombian craftsmanship and the unparalleled biodiversity of our country, and embodies the passion of the Colombian people.

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The Founder

I am a native Colombian, who moved to New York as a child and spent my entire adult life outside of Colombia. I was educated and worked in fashion and luxury retail in New York, before moving to France, where I lived in Paris and Le Mans, and later to Fès and Casablanca in Morocco. I returned to the United States several years ago and currently split time between Orlando, Florida and Pereira, Colombia.  I hold a Master of Arts in Hispanic and Spanish Literature with a concentration on “The Manifestations of Love in the Works of Gabriel García Márquez.”  My Bachelor’s  of Science is in Journalism; and I am fluent in French. I have had the privilege of experiencing various cultures throughout the world, and during my frequent travels back to Colombia over the last two decades, I began to fall more and more in love with the sensibility of the Colombian people and the rich biodiversity of my native land. As I reconnected with my home country and learned about the talented people who create remarkable art and fashion, I became inspired to share all the beauty of Colombia with the world through a unique collection of apparel and accessories that represent the best of Colombia and her amazing people.